How to Clear Cache on iPhone: A step-by-step guide

Clearing the cache on your iPhone can help it run faster and smoother by freeing up storage space and getting rid of data that apps don’t need anymore. It’s like giving your phone a quick spring cleaning. To do it, you’ll need to go through a few steps in your iPhone’s settings. Don’t worry, it’s not as daunting as it sounds, and I’m here to guide you through it.

You can also watch this video about how to clear the cache on an iPhone for more on this topic.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Clear Cache on iPhone

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand why you’re doing this. Clearing the cache will remove temporary files stored by your apps, which can often fix issues like apps crashing or freezing. It can also free up some much-needed space on your device. Ready to give your iPhone a breath of fresh air? Let’s get to it!

Step 1: Go to Settings

Navigate to the Settings app on your iPhone. It’s the one with the gear icon, you can’t miss it.

Once you’re in Settings, you’ll see a long list of options. Don’t get overwhelmed, we’re only interested in a few specific ones.

Step 2: Find Safari

Scroll down and tap on ‘Safari’. It’s usually nestled among the other Apple service settings.

Safari tends to hold onto a lot of website data, and clearing this can make a significant difference in the amount of space you recover.

Step 3: Clear History and Website Data

At the bottom of the Safari settings page, you’ll see ‘Clear History and Website Data’. Go ahead and give that a tap.

A pop-up will appear, warning you that this action will clear your browsing history, cookies, and other browsing data. If you’re okay with that, confirm and watch the magic happen.

Step 4: Check Other Apps

Head back to the main Settings menu and tap on ‘General’, then ‘iPhone Storage’.

Here you’ll see a list of your apps and how much space they’re taking up. Tap on an app to see more info and, if available, an option to ‘Offload App’ or ‘Delete App’. Offloading an app will keep your documents and data but remove the app itself to free up space.

Step 5: Restart Your iPhone

Hold down the power button and either volume button, then slide to power off. After your iPhone shuts down, press the power button again to turn it back on.

A fresh restart will ensure all the cache-clearing actions you’ve taken will fully take effect.

After you’ve completed these steps, your iPhone should have more available storage space and potentially run faster. Apps that were misbehaving might act more cooperatively now that their cached data has been cleaned out.

Tips for Clearing Cache on iPhone

  • Regularly clear your cache to keep your iPhone running smoothly.
  • Be aware that clearing cache will log you out of websites and services in Safari.
  • Clear cache on individual apps by finding them in ‘iPhone Storage’ and offloading them if you don’t use them often.
  • Restarting your iPhone after clearing the cache can help ensure changes take effect.
  • Keep an eye on your iPhone’s storage by periodically checking the ‘iPhone Storage’ section in Settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will clearing my cache delete my photos or contacts?

No, clearing your cache won’t affect your personal data like photos or contacts. It only removes temporary files from your apps and browser.

How often should I clear my cache?

It’s not necessary to clear it too often, but doing it every few months can help maintain your iPhone’s performance.

Can clearing the cache fix app crashes?

Yes, it can help, especially if the crashes are due to the app running out of storage space or trying to use corrupted cache files.

Is there a way to clear cache for all apps at once?

Unfortunately, no. You’ll have to clear the cache for each app individually through the ‘iPhone Storage’ settings.

Does clearing cache affect my saved passwords?

If you clear cache in Safari, you may be logged out of websites, but your saved passwords in iCloud Keychain will not be affected.


  1. Go to Settings
  2. Find Safari
  3. Clear History and Website Data
  4. Check Other Apps
  5. Restart Your iPhone


So you see, knowing how to clear cache on iPhone isn’t just about freeing up some space—it’s a crucial step in maintaining your device’s health and keeping it running at its best. Regular maintenance like this ensures that your trusted gadget doesn’t succumb to the digital equivalent of clogged pipes. Plus, it’s a quick fix for many minor issues you might face with apps and browsing.

Keep in mind that this process doesn’t harm your personal data, but it’s always a good idea to have backups just in case. Make this a part of your digital routine and your iPhone will thank you with optimal performance. And remember, if your phone starts acting up, before you panic, try clearing the cache—you might just find that’s all it needed.